Kai Schliebusch | Bewusstseinslehrer & Traumaexperte

My Story


I have come a long way to suc­cess and am ready to help you achieve the same.

My Previous Life

Shy Kid

Yes, I do believe that my life is divid­ed into two parts. Previos life is before I real­ized how to be hap­py and enjoy my life. At school I was shy, ner­vos and timid child, I didn’t have a lot of friend and stayed out noisy par­ties. As a result I had quite a lot of free time to study hard, what I actu­al­ly did. That helped me to enter Columbia University. During my uni­ver­si­ty years I stud­ied, read a lot of books and worked as a wait­er.  I had a cou­ple of friends to hang out with and that was my routine.


I was asked to give a speech from a grad­u­at­ing stu­den­t’s per­spec­tive. I have nev­er giv­en a pub­lic speech to so much peo­ple before and was very ner­vos. My friend said to me ‘fake it until you make it’ and I start­ed my prepa­ra­tion. I wrote the speech and prac­ticed every day for a cou­ple of month, I was def­i­nite­ly going out­side my com­fort zone. When the day X has come, I was still ner­vous but over-prepared. 

When in doubt,
choose change.


I faked it until I made it. The speech was accept­ed by the audi­ence very well, I was proud of mak­ing it. That was the day when I real­ized that every­thing is pos­si­ble and all you need is to work hard, clear­ly see the final goal and every day make at least small step towards it. After grad­u­a­tion I worked for a cou­ple of big banks and com­pa­nies and con­tin­ued to give speech­es about my expe­ri­ence, life and busi­ness. After that I found my start­up Big Fish, found investors, cre­at­ed suc­cess­ful busi­ness mod­el and sold it.


Today I’m finan­cial­ly inde­pen­dent, hap­pi­ly mar­ried,  trav­el a lot and lead­er­ship­ing. I believe that my mis­sion today is to teach as many peo­ple as I can how to suc­ceed in life, how to be hap­py and live every sin­gle day with a pur­pose. Believe me, it isn’t hard and read­ing my sto­ry is already a forst step. Congratulations! You are on the right way, Looking for­ward to hear­ing from you. Cheers!

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